PRAGAII introduces their first single “Andy-Jam” from their debut album “Sorry, Can’t Talk Right Now” which will be released in November. The duo was created in 2015 by Kaspars Kubeckis and Aleksis Luriņš, who have previously worked on remixes of other bands. Despite the disagreements between members of the bands, life and music has eventually brought them closer… now they are best friends. “We are in complete charge of everything – starting from the first drafts till the very final adjustments” states the Duo.
The “Andy-Jam” single also features saxophonist UÄ£is Jansons, as well as vocals by Annemaria Szczegolev.
Release and the premiere of the Album “Sorry, Can’t Talk Now” will be held on November 9th in the Art Gallery “LOOK!” on 62 Gertrudes Iela, Riga. Visitors are more than welcome to meet the duo in person, listen to their album and record it in vinyl format.