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Ilmars Shterns (Ilmārs Šterns) is a singer of contemporary music (Pop, Jazz, R&B), vocal teacher, composer and poet. Musicians like Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Laura Mvula, Emeli Sande, Michael Jackson, Bobby McFerrin, inspired him to be creative and express his own ideas in music. His most significant project “Sketch for a New Page” was performed in 2013 in collaboration with Gaudeamus Orchestra. I. Shterns has performed with Big Bands of Jelgava and Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Mirage Jazz Orchestra and Kazanova’s Orchestra. He also performed in Vanessa Mea’s concert in Riga and was a singer of GG Choir and Riga Gospel Choir. I. Shterns as a member of trio Voice of Instruments worked on such projects like 365 Days and Calendar Arias in 2013 and 2014. Singer also created project Human Nature in 2014 in collaboration with guitarist Lauma Kazaka.


Dace Narubina




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