The band Bermudu Divstūris was formed by two charming, indescribably talented and incredibly attractive cousins Biceps and Triceps. They were tired of modern four accord songs; therefore they decided to go further and write one-accord songs – this is how their first hit (mashing peace) called “LABI”, was made. At the concerts cousins are accompanied by the brothers from their neighbourhood – Snickers, Lee, Saldais, and the king of the drums Vicītis. This team performs everywhere; the band creates high quality music, which is intended to be used for DJs in the clubs and for other needs.
The band has reached more than 10 000 000 views on YouTube, nevertheless, on October, 2014 they brought into the world their firstborn CD, called BALLĒJAM NEGUĻAM, which was titled as the best dance music album in the Golden Microphone Award 2014. Bermudu divstūris has released already 11 singles and countless party hits. In one word, Bermudu divstūris is the Best band in the World and their hits are incredible! Both cousins are hungry and are ready to eat everyone, who would stand in their way.