The band Gain Fast was formed in 2004 by two friends Kaspars Zildnis (vocal) and Gatis Vanags (guitar). After a while the band was joined by more members Didzis Bardovskis (bassguitar), Andzejs Grauds (drums) and Oskars Tretjuks (keys). The first song they recorded was “Brīži” (Moments), which was placed as a number one in the Latvian Airplay Top 40. The next singles by Gain Fast got recognized and popular as well, such as “Vārdi izskan” (Words resound), “Klusi čukstot” (Whispered quietly), “Kliedz” (Scream), “Viss mainījies” (Everything is changed). In 2006 the album “Viss mainījies” (Everything is changed) was released. By that time Gain Fast had already participated in the biggest Latvian music festivals such as Sinepes un Medus, Stage Nr.1, Tu esi pamanīts, Baltic Beach Party and other large events as well as in TV shows Muzikālā Banka, Mikrofona ieraksti 20, Radio SWH 20th Birthday, Labestības Diena, Latvijas Gada Ierakstu balva. In 2007 the band took part in Latvian Eurovision National Contest performing song “Last Goodbye” which got 7th place. 2007 was also a significant year for the band as two members left it and new ones – Uldis Beitins (guitar) and Dzulian (keys) – joined. In 2008 Gain Fast recorded their second album “Tas Nav No Zemes Šīs” (Not From This Planet). Meanwhile the band started their first big tour and played more than 20 concerts in all of the biggest Latvian cities. Songs “Smaids” (Smile) and “Cik Laimīgi Esam” (How Happy We Are) hit top places in all Latvian radio tops. Videos were shot for songs “Smaids”, “Brīži”, “Viss Mainījies”, “Cik laimīgi esam”, “Dienas”, “Tas nav uz zemes šīs” by well known Latvian film directors Aija Vitolina and Didzis Eglītis.
In 2008 Gain Fast was the official face of SEB Bank youth credit cards campaign all over Latvia. Gain Fast was also nominated as one of the most perspective music band by the biggest national media. Now Gain Fast is Kaspars Zlidnis (vocal), Gatis Vanags (guitar), Andžejs Grauds (drums), Oskars Tretjuks (keys), Rolands Stepanovs (bass guitar) and band is preparing their third studio album, which is planned to be released in the beginning of 2015.