The band “Very Cool People” will present their new album “50 Years of Influence + 30 Years of Cool Equals 13 Years of Music Hooliganism” with a special concert at the most famous live music club “Tamsta” in Vilnius, Lithuania. The concert will feature not only the compositions of the latest album, but also new compositions and special arrangements of already known compositions together with the young and talented singer Paula Saija.
As “Very Cool People” announced at their album presentation in Riga, the band’s plans for 2022 are to release new singles with Paula Saija, as well as a new album. The talented singer has been participating in “Very Cool People” concerts since 2018. At first, they were smaller concerts where Paula sang just a few songs, but now Paula Saija has become a great, powerful vocalist, who in 2020 and 2021 together with “Very Cool People” performed at festivals in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, including events such as “Ezīšfests”, “Šiauliai Jazz”, “Klaipėda Castle Jazz”, “Taurage Jazz” and “Augustibluus” & many others.
“We wanted to present our previous album “Koncertprogramma Pa Apli” in the legendary club “Tamsta”, but in 2020 due to epidemiological reasons it did not happen,” says the group’s leader Elvijs Grafcovs. “We then decided that immediately after our 2021 autumn-Balkan tour we would present our new album “50 Years of Influence” in Lithuania – Tamsta club, but we had to postpone those plans as well. Well, at last it looks like it’s happening!”
This will be the band’s only public concert in January, that’s why the band has also invited fans from Latvia to come to Vilnius and have a great party together with their beloved “braļukai”.
“A weekend in Vilnius with the opportunity to enjoy a cool concert in the great atmosphere of the Tamsta Club enjoying the good company of music lovers seems like a fantastic plan” adds Elvijs, who has also experienced the charm of nightlife in the Lithuanian capital during his studies there.
The album was recorded in the legendary basement studio of the Riga Reformed Church Mints Music Studio by no less than the legendary recording engineer Tālis Timrots. Andris Buiķis mixed the recorded material in Ciemupe & the whole group’s members relentlessly and pleasantly commented each step of the mixing process. The record is produced by Elvijs Grafcovs and mastered by the master legend Dave McNair at the Dave McNair Mastering Studio in North Carolina, USA.
Paula Saija – vocal; Oskars Ozoliņš – trumpet, vocal; Māris Jēkabsons – tenor sax, vocal; Laura Rozenberga – trombone, vocal; Kristaps Lubovs – baritone sax, vocal; Elvijs Grafcovs – guitar, banjo, vocal; Māris Vitkus – organ, synths, piano vocal; Jānis Olekšs – bass, vocal; Andris Buiķis- drums, percussions, synths, vocal