Electronic music producer Mickeen (Miks Pinzulis) in collaboration with rapper Goča (Gatis Orniņš) releases the first album single from Mickeen’s upcoming debut album.
goča about the song: “The song is written about the metamorphosis of the personality, which is connected with a drastic change of values and looking through a completely new prism – the song was written at a point when the author has abandoned the previous values and looks into the new expanse that opens up in front of him. although it is not known what the path to follow, it is clear which one you should definitely not choose again”
Mickeen: ”Katrā dziesmā ko rakstu ielieku spēcīgas emocijas un tās nolasīt dodu māksliniekam ar ko sadarbojos. goča, manuprāt, to spēja ideāli interpretēt – neizmainot dziesmas noskaņu.”
Mickeen: ‘In every song I like to put strong emotions which then I give to other artists to interpret. goča, in my opinion, was able to interpret it perfectly – without changing the mood of the song”