- To support Latvian artists and producers and promote development of Latvian music industry and export of music produced in Latvia;
- To officially represent Latvian music industry in Europe and international showcases, fairs and exhibitions;
- To promote and support creation of competitive music records and increase utilization of Latvian music by educating Latvian performers and producers;
- To be the official Baltic, European and world wide partner of cooperation in international projects of music industry;
- To educate members of Latvian music industry about the issues of music export and global trends.
The collecting society “Latvian Performers’ and Producers’ Association ” (hereafter LaIPA) and the association “Latvian Music and Information Center” (hereafter CLMI) on October 12th, 2012 agreed to found Latvian Music Development Association / Latvian Music Export Office (hereafter LMDA/ LMEO), it was registered on the Register of Latvian Enterprises on November 9th, 2012. This initiative was a result of discussions of many years in LaIPA General Meetings, meetings of the members and negotiations among authorities of CLMI. During these discussions several models of LMEO operations were considered.
The necessity to create an institution that would provide help to Latvian music export was evident after processing the reports from consumers of phonograms and distributing the remuneration. The reports stated that from all the music consumed only 20% – 30% of all remuneration stays in Latvia; 70% – 80% of the money received goes to the big record labels or foreign copyright holders. Meanwhile the remuneration sent from foreign countries to Latvian performers or producers (Music Record companies) is very small; that proved that music created in Latvia has a very low consumption level in foreign countries.
LaIPA was considering the possibilities to increase the extent of music created in Latvia and concluded that the apportionment of Latvian music is proportional and has strong roots. There are several reasons for this situation, but all of them lead to a conclusion that Latvian performers and producers need a support to promote good quality of music produced in Latvia by attracting professional producers, educating copyright holders about opportunities to produce their music and ways of successfully distribute it and informing about different communication and marketing methods.
In almost every country of European Union there is a music export institution that is either a satellite organization of a Center of Music Information or operates independently. The goal of an organization of music export is to promote development of music industry, take care of international marketing activities and improve the export of Latvian music.

Agnese Cimuška-Rekke
Executive Director
According to the statutes of LMD/LMEO Executive director:
- Organizes and provides execution of decisions made by General Meeting and members;
- Manages and overlooks Association;
- Without a special warrant represents interests of Association in national and regional institutions, organizations, commercial companies and NGO’s, court sand arbitrages, and international organizations;
- Mandates a warrant, opens checking accounts in banks;
- Provides usage of Association’s funds accordingly to the goals stated in statutes;
- Oversees Association’s property and handles its funds accordingly to the statutes and Board decisions;
- Appoints the size of personal needed, salaries and pay arrangements;
- Recruits and fires employees of the Association;
- Provides accountancies, record-keeping and statistical records;
- Closes legal transactions and administers expenses accordingly to budget approved by General Meeting;
- Establishes internal units of the Association and determines their operational principles and procedures;
- Decides on everyday issues that are not in competence of General Meeting and Board.
A member of the Association can be any legal entity that shares Association’s goals and is willing to actively support Association in its operations. To apply potential members should submit a written application form.
If accepted, a member should pay yearly membership fee of 100 EUR by transferring the money to Association’s bank account.
The highest decision-making body of the Association is the General Meeting of members.
- SIA „Avantis Promo”
- SIA „Izdevniecība MicRec”
- SIA „de Busul Music”
- SIA „Mūzika Baltika”
- SIA „Instrumenti”
- SIA „Prāta Vētras Skaņu Ierakstu kompānija”
- SIA „TSP Music”
- SIA „Pietura 1984”
- Biedrība “Latvijas Rokmūzikas asociācija”
- SIA „Lo-Fi”
- “LaIPA”
- “Latvijas Mūzikas informācijas centrs”
- SIA “Flame And The Rolltones”
- SIA “Carnival Youth”
- “Lauska”
- SIA “Every Little Thing”
- SIA “Aminata Music”
- “Very Cool People”
- Biedrība “HI”
- SIA “Mikrofona Ieraksti”
- SIA “Dagamba”
- SIA “KN3”
- SIA “Buzz Division”
If you want to join LMDA / LME, please complete and sign the application attached below and send it to us.
General Meeting:
- Election and withdrawal of members of board and the audit institutions, if such right are not given to another governing body by regulations;
- Decision making on termination, continuation or reorganization of the Association;
- Other issues that in accordance with the law or the statutes competence of General Meeting.
- General Meeting is entitled to make decisions that are competency of Board or other institutions mentioned in the statues, if it is not said another way in the Statutes
Executive body of the Association is the Board, it has seven board members; two of them are representatives authorized by ALPP to ensure diversity of genres.
Board Members:
Liena Grīna
Guna Zučika
Egīls Šēfers
Līva Pētersone-Kļaviņa
Juris Zalāns
Functions of Board:
- The Board is authorized to decide on all the matters which are not under the exclusive competence of the General Meeting;
The Board represents interests of members during the period between General Meetings;
Board members are entitled to represent the Association individually and / or authorize a third party to represent the Association
Board members are nominated and appointed by the General Meeting for 2 years. First Board of the Association will expire no earlier than until the second regular general meeting of the members.
Music Export Latvia Latvian website was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Latvian Performers and Producers Association (LaIPA)