The music video is Ērika Daņiloviča’s debut directorial release. It encompasses her uniqueapproach to photography. Viewers will experience her personal perspective of the pandemic. The director said of her work: “The music video is about the human condition – how a person feels during a certain period of time. All people are very different and individual, but when a person enters synergy with stress and denial of reality, then all people are connected in the feeling and want to escape their external and internal world. A person enters a state, in which they wish to be free of their ‘’prison’’ – of their cyclic existential life and their ego. This state in Hinduism is called moksha. Moksha personifies the point of attraction towards which people rush to in order to feel their ethereal body and relax completely.”
Abuses are:Richard Thompson – Guitar, Anete Čīma – Bass, Sabine Moore – Vocals and production.Additional drums by Vija Moore.