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Latvian record label “I Love You Records” receives “IMPALA” award.

“I Love You Records” was among five young European labels honoured by “IMPALA” (Independent Music Companies Association) during “Tallinn Music Week”.

As part of its fifteenth anniversary, “IMPALA” launched a new monthly feature “FIVEUNDERFIFTEEN” to put the spotlight on young independent music companies across Europe. “Tallinn Music Week” was hosting the first “IMPALA” “Young Label Spotlight” event on Saturday 2nd of April, with a panel featuring all five labels, followed by an award ceremony.

Five labels receiving awards at “Tallinn Music Week” were “I Love You Records” (Latvia), “Porridge Bullet” (Estonia), “Soliti” (Finland), “S1 Warsaw” (Poland) and “Despotz Records” (Sweden).

“IMPALA” Executive Chair Helen Smith comments:”We want to shine a light on the deeper and wider story of the independent sector. It’s great to start with the panel in “Tallinn Music Week” with five young labels all telling their own stories. And this is what real music fans are interested in. They want the whole picture. Where their music comes from, what it stands for, whether it’s fair, what a label’s work tells them. All artists are born equal and these labels underline the importance of making sure that means something.”

“IMPALA” is an independent music companies association with a mission to grow the independent music sector, return more value to artists, promote cultural diversity and entrepreneurship, improve political access and modernise perceptions of the music sector.

MEL editor

MEL editor

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