Members of the band RYGA are in continued incomprehension on what is going on in the world and in their own houses. Is this really what people would like place under the Christmas tree these Christmas?
The band is offering their option – to live in peace, share love and not to destroy this world. “If children are usually told that they will get coal for Christmas, then what makes the world’s mighty ones, politicians and managers of large concerns better?” – ask members of the band. This does not appear to be a secret that there are demographical problems in Latvia and lots of people choose to emigrate abroad. Maybe the reasons thereof are to be looked for in the attitude to work assigned? Incomprehensible purchase of the SRS building with the overpayment of quite a few millions, corruption involving officials etc. Unfortunately the services of the Panama offshores are chosen by politicians and significant business people as well and this has a direct impact to Latvia and tax collection, as well as many other problems pictured in the video.
The band RYGA picture improvised workshop of Santa Claus in their new video, where Santa Claus hears out the wishes of many countries and organizations on what they would like to get these Christmas. And it turns out that no one needs the presents prepared by dwarfs (renewable energy, homes, love and mutual patience). Upon hearing these mad wishes, Santa Claus and the team of dwarfs with Snow White fail to resist the pressure and cast off. Santa Claus and Snow White get to the improvement of demography, but in order to do it, the system in the shape of SRS building must be destroyed.
Nowadays it has become very common to simplify the image of woman down to the sex object and lots of women are gladly fine with that. Is this the standard of this era?! Are the minds
With this provocative video the band RYGA is not afraid to show, what is actually continuing to go on in this world and they promise not to go away from hard and uncomfortable subjects in the debut album of the band RYGA, coming spring next year.
Two songs of the band RYGA (Candyman and Summerfest) have gone into the voting of first selection of Grammy awards and are still fighting for the nomination. At the same time the song of the band Candyman is played on playlists of quite a few radio stations in Germany is getting to be known in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In order to introduce listeners to the material of the new album, the band is planning to go on European concert tour in the middle of April.